How Hootsuite Boosted Revenue From Active Users by 70%

Hootsuite accelerates sellers’ ramp to revenue with self-guided, dynamic training.






As leading social media platform Hootsuite grew rapidly, boosting the productivity of new and existing reps became key. Hootsuite’s global sales enablement manager, Shamis Thomson, started to solve the problem of achieving faster seller success by assessing the effectiveness of Hootsuite’s existing sales tools and resources. Digging into analytics within Highspot, its enablement platform, Thomson discovered something fascinating: Highspot could help his team look at the extent to which reps were engaging with training and selling resources and correlate with their sales performance.



Hootsuite Expands Beyond Original Highspot Use Case

Though he didn’t know it at the time, Thomson began his journey to world-class onboarding years earlier when he needed an easily searchable sales content management system. Highspot fit the bill and became an immediate success — quickly achieving 90% adoption among primary users.

As Hootsuite grew and accelerating ramp-to-revenue became a top priority, Thomson naturally began exploring Highspot data to understand rep activity patterns. Highspot’s analytics showed Thomson that the more reps engaged with Highspot, the better they performed. Soon, the answer to Hootsuite’s onboarding and training problems was clear. Hootsuite could use Highspot as acentral hub for all learning content to ramp sellers faster, more effectively, and with greater predictability.

Reps who accessed more content on any given subject within Highspot closed on average 4x more associated revenue than their peers.

With Highspot, we were able to design role-specific learning paths that allow reps to access the right resources and learning experiences at the ideal point in their onboarding experience.
Andrea Jones
Andrea JonesLearning & Organizational Development, Hootsuite


Self-Guided Learning Modules and Focused Content Drive Revenue

First, Hootsuite organized onboarding assets via dynamic, comprehensive hubs using Highspot SmartPages™. Guided learning with role-specific experiences made training easier to find and consume. Unsurprisingly, reps were suddenly engaging with more content than ever. As Thomson expected, content consumption directly impacted performance: soon the most engaged Highspot users among newly ramped hires were performing the same or better thantenured peers with more experience.

Just-in-time training created the immersive learning experience reps need to keep knowledge at hand and close deals. By using Highspot to provide micro-training alongside content, reps not only quickly found the right assets, but also had guidance on how to use them effectively. In fact, Hootsuite saw an averageincrease of 60% in closed-won revenue across all groups of sellers for reps who increased their use of Highspot each quarter.

Hootsuite’s sales enablement team used the strong correlation between Highspot usage and performance to help sales leaders predict which reps will struggle based on how often they use Highspot, and by proxy, training and selling materials. This gave sales leadership enough information to effectively allocate time and resources — and ensured struggling reps got the coaching they needed to improve.

Hootsuite embraced modern onboarding and continuous training to unlock predictable, consistent performance for both new and tenured reps. Empowered by learning from the day they onboard to every deal after, Hootsuite reps are more effective than ever before.

Highspot allows us to easily analyze content and rep activity so we can continually learn, improve, and grow revenue.
Shamis Thomson
Shamis ThomsonGlobal Sales Enablement Manager, Hootsuite

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