Sales Enablement Survey 2016

sales enablement practitioner survey 2017

Highspot and Heinz Marketing joined forces to survey nearly 400 sales, marketing and sales enablement professionals in B2B companies to better understand the needs, activities, accomplishments and trends of the sales enablement professional.

Download the report to discover what we found.

A staggering 79% of companies surveyed are doing some form of structured sales enablement. 67% of companies with sales organizations of 100 reps or more have a dedicated sales enablement team. And investment in people and monetary resources is going up.

According to the survey, more than 50% of companies that have committed to sales enablement efforts have experienced improved sales conversion rates of greater than 10%. A full 23% of companies have seen conversion rates increase by 20% or more.
Download the report to learn more, including what activities are most effective in increasing sales performance.

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